The following chapters provide information on Taurus-PROTECT REST API endpoints. It focuses on the most commonly used calls.
Role based authorization
Certain API endpoints require that the user be assigned specific roles in order to access them. Roles are used to restrict access to certain functionality within the system and ensure that only authorized users are able to perform specific actions. For more information on roles, please refer to the following page in the Taurus User Guides.
In the following chapters, each described API endpoint has a Required Roles section listing the roles needed for a successful call.
Wallets and Addresses
- Creating a Single-Destination Transaction Request
- Creating a Multi-Destination (Bundle) Transaction Request
- Creating an Incoming Transaction Request
- Getting Transaction Request Info
- Getting a List of Transaction Requests pending Approval
- Approving a Transaction Request
- Creating a Simple Whitelisting Request
- Creating a Whitelisting Request for a Smart Contract
- Creating a Whitelisting Request with Linked Source Address/Wallet
User Management
- Getting a List of Addresses
- Getting a List of Transactions
- Getting a List of Currencies
- Getting a List of Health Checks
- Getting a List of Audit Trails
- Getting the Balance of an Address in SWIFT Format
- Getting the Daily Transactions of an Address in SWIFT Format
- Creating an ADA Staking Request
- Creating an DOT Staking Request
- Creating an XTZ Staking Request
- Creating an FTM Staking Request
- Creating an ATOM Staking Request
- Creating an XKI Staking Request
- Creating an ADA Unstaking Request
- Creating an DOT Unstaking Request
- Creating an XTZ Unstaking Request
- Creating an FTM Unstaking Request
- Creating an ATOM Unstaking Request
- Creating an XKI Unstaking Request
Updated 19 days ago