

List of message supported on the trade connection

New Order Single

TagField nameReq'dData TypeComments
Standard HeaderYMsgType = D
11ClOrdIDYStringMust be unique identifier sent by the client. Used for response
1AccountYStringProvided by TDX
526EndClientIdentifierNFor institutional clients that don't segregate assets account but need trading alerts detection on end client performed by TDX. (Need to be enabled beforehand). Must be an unique ID per end client. Must be anonymized (non-PII).
54SideYCharSide of order in reference to the dealt assets (tag 15).
Valid values:
1 = Buy
2 = Sell
55SymbolYStringSymbol to trade on
38OrderQtyYQtyThe amount for the order of the specified asset (tag 15)
40OrdTypeYCharType of order.
Valid values:
1 = Market
2 = Limit
44PriceCPriceRequired for limit orders
110MinQtyNQtyMinimum accepted fill size. Defaults to 0.
59TimeInForceNCharHow long the order remains in effect.
Valid values:
0 = Day (default for limit orders)
1 = Good till cancel
5 = Immediate or cancel (default for market orders)
60TransactTimeYUTCTimestampTime this order was initiated/released by the client trading system
376ComplianceIDNStringID used to represent this transaction for compliance purposes. Evt. provided by TDX
528OrderCapacityNCharDesignates the capacity of the firm placing the order.
Valid Values:
A = Agency
G = Proprietary
I = Individual
P = Principal (Note for CMS purposes, Principal includes Proprietary)
R = Riskless Principal
W = Agent for Other Member
529OrderRestrictionsNMultipleValueStringRestrictions associated with an order. If more than one restriction is applicable to an order, this field can contain multiple instructions separated by space.
Valid values:
1 = Program Trade
2 = Index Arbitrage
3 = Non-Index Arbitrage
4 = Competing Market Maker
5 = Acting as Market Maker or Specialist in the security
6 = Acting as Market Maker or Specialist in the underlying security of a derivative security
7 = Foreign Entity (of foreign government or regulatory jurisdiction)
8 = External Market Participant
9 = External Inter-connected Market Linkage
A = Riskless Arbitrage
Standard TrailerY

Order Cancel Request

Used to cancel an order. An order already partially filed will have the remaining quantity canceled.

TagField nameReq'dData TypeComments
Standard HeaderYMsgType = F
11ClOrdIDYStringMust be unique identifier sent by the client. Used for response
41OrigClOrdIDYStringClOrdID of the order to be replaced. This should be the id of the most recent revision where order has already been amended.
55SymbolYStringSymbol of the order to cancel
54SideYCharSide of order to cancel
38OrderQtyYQtyIgnored (required by FIX)
60TransactTimeYUTCTimestampTime this cancel request was initiated/released by the client trading system
Standard TrailerY

Execution Report

TagField nameReq'dData TypeComments
Standard HeaderYMsgType = 9
37OrderIDYStringUnique identifier defined by TDX. Unique and unchanged for this chain of order (the initial execution report and all the following execution report from regarding a status update or the order eventual modification / cancellation)
11ClOrdIDYStringMust be the unique identifier sent by the client. Used for response
54SideYCharSide of the order
38OrderQtyYQtyQuantity ordered
40OrdTypeYCharType of order
44PriceCPricePrice at which the client wants to buy/sell. Only if OrdType = 40 (limit).
110MinQtyNQtyMinimum quantity ordered by the client
150ExecTypeYCharThe execution report’s type.
Valid values:
0 = New
3 = Done
4 = Cancelled
5 = Replaced
8 = Rejected
C = Expired
F = Trade (Partial Fill or Fill)
39OrdStatusYCharCurrent order state.
Valid values:
0 = New
1 = Partially filled
2 = Filled
4 = Cancelled
8 = Rejected
C = Expired
32LastQtyCQuantityQuantity bought/sold on the last fill. Only when ExecType = F (trade).
31LastPxCPricePrice of this last fill. Only when ExecType = F (trade).
151LeavesQtyCQuantityRemaining quantity open for execution
14CumQtyCQuantitySum of executed quantities for this chain of fills for the same order. Only set when ExecType = F (trade)
6AvgPxCPriceAverage price of the chain of fills weighted by quantity. Only set when ExecType = F (trade)
60TransactTimeYUTCTimestampTime this cancel request was initiated/released by the client trading system
58TextCStringWill contain the reason if a rejection occurred
Standard TrailerY

Order Cancel Reject

TagField nameReq'dData TypeComments
Standard HeaderYMsgType = 8
37OrderIDYStringUnique identifier defined by TDX. Unique and unchanged for this chain of order (the initial execution report and all the following execution report from regarding a status update or the order eventual modification / cancellation)
11ClOrdIDYStringMust be the unique identifier sent by the client. Used for response
41OrigClOrdIDYStringClOrdID of the Order that could not be cancelled
39OrdStatusYCharCurrent order state.
Valid values:
0 = New
1 = Partially filled
2 = Filled
3 = Done for the day
4 = Cancelled
6 = Pending cancel
8 = Rejected
C = Expired
58TextYStringWill contain the reason
Standard TrailerY

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