JUMP TOWelcomeIntroductionGlossaryHelpers & monitoringTransaction signatureExamplesMetricsTaurus-PROTECT APIsActionsList actionsgetGet an actiongetAddressesList addressesgetCreate an addresspostCreate a batch of addressespostExport addressesgetList light addressesgetRecompute addresses signaturespostList addresses's statusgetCreate attributespostDelete an attributedeleteCalculate a BTC specific signature of a messagegetCalculate an ETH specific signature of a messagegetGet an addressgetList address' balances historygetExport address' balances historygetGet the proof of reserve of an addressgetGet the list of tokens for an addressgetList UTXOs of an addressgetGet the balance of the addressgetGet the daily transactions of the addressgetGet the proof of reserve of a list of addressesgetAssetsGet the balance, at address level, for a specific assetpostGet the balance, at wallet level, for a specific assetpostAuditGet audit trailsgetExport audit trailsgetAuthentication: OIDCInitiate loginpostGet authentication tokenpostAuthentication: SAMLCheck assertionpostInitiate loginpostGet authentication tokenpostAuthenticationStart a loginpostGet an authentication tokenpostList security domainsgetBalancesGet the total balances for the tenant, for each assetgetGet the total balances for the tenant, for each nft collectiongetBlockchainGet blockchain entitiesgetUse /api/rest/v1/blockchains insteadgetBusiness rulesList business rulesgetEnable/disable requestsputList business rulesgetChangesList changesgetCreate a changepostApprove changespostList changes for approvalgetReject changespostGet change by IDgetApprove a changepostReject a changepostConfigGet some configuration of the tenantgetCurrenciesList currenciesgetGet base currencygetGet currencygetToken metadataUse '/api/rest/v1/evm/{network}/erc/contract/{contract}/token/{token}/metadata' insteadgetGet ERC token metadatagetGet FA token metadatagetExchangeList exchange accountsgetExport exchange accountsgetGet an exchange accountgetGet the withdrawal feesgetList exchangesgetFee payersList fee payersgetGet a checksumpostInitiate fee payerpostGet a fee payergetFeeList feesgetList native currency feesgetGroupsList groupsgetHealthList health checksgetList health checksheadList all health checksgetList all health checksheadList health checks in a groupgetList health checks in a groupheadGet a health checkgetGet a health checkheadGet the component health statusgetList all health statusesgetGet the global health statusgetList the health statuses of a groupgetList all health statuses of a groupgetJobsGet jobsgetGet jobgetGet job statusgetWalletsRecomputes wallets' balancesgetTrigger recomputation of existential balancesgetList walletsgetCreate a walletpostList walletsgetGet a walletgetList wallet's balances historygetGet the list of tokens for a walletgetCreate attributespostDelete an attributedeleteList walletsgetGet a walletgetMulti-Factor SignatureGet the associated entities informationgetApprove the underlying entities using a multifactor approachpostReject the underlying entitiespostCreates a multifactor signaturepostTaurus NetworkCreate an attribute for a participantpostDelete an attribute for a participantdeleteList participantsgetGet my participantgetGet participant by IDgetList pledgesgetCreate pledgepostList pledge actionsgetApprove a pledge actionpostList pledge actions for approvalgetReject a pledge actionpostList pledges withdrawalsgetGet pledgegetAdd pledge collateralpostUnpledgepostWithdraw pledgepostList shared addressesgetShare an addresspostUnshare an addresspostPricesList pricesgetUpdate a priceputConvert an amount to other currenciesgetExport prices historygetList prices historygetRequestsCreate request attributespostGet a request attributegetList requestsgetApprove a requestpostList asynchronous approvalsgetTrigger an auto-transferpostCreate an outgoing request bundlepostCreate an outgoing request bundle (using addresses)postList request bundlesgetList request bundles for approvalgetGet a request bundlegetList requests for approvalgetCreate an incoming requestpostCreate an outgoing requestpostCreate an outgoing cancel requestpostCreate a simple outgoing request (using addresses)postCreate an outgoing request with selected UTXOspostReject a requestpostStake ETHpostCreate an ETH unstake requestpostGet a requestgetUpdate a request statusputList asynchronous approvalsgetList requestsgetList requests for approvalgetRequests: ADACreate a delegate requestpostCreate an undelegate requestpostCreate a withdrawal requestpostRequests: ALGOCreate an ASA opt in requestpostRequests: ContractsCreate a call contract requestpostCreate a deploy contract requestpostRequests: CosmosCreate a delegate requestpostCreate a generic cosmos requestpostCreate an undelegate requestpostCreate a withdrawal requestpostRequests: DOTCreate a DOT bond requestpostCreate a DOT bond extra requestpostCreate a DOT chill requestpostCreate a DOT nominate requestpostCreate a DOT unbond requestpostCreate a DOT withdraw unbonded requestpostRequests: FTMCreate a claim rewards requestpostCreate a delegate requestpostCreate an undelegate requestpostCreate a withdrawal requestpostRequests: HederaCreate a hedera staking requestpostCreate a hedera unstaking requestpostRequests: ICPCreate an ICP follow requestpostCreate an ICP set dissolve delay requestpostCreate an ICP start dissolving requestpostCreate an ICP transfer to stake requestpostRequests: NEARCreate a NEAR deposit_and_stake requestpostCreate a NEAR unstake requestpostCreate a NEAR withdraw requestpostRequests: SOLCreate a SOL delegate requestpostCreate a SOL token creation requestpostCreate a SOL token burn requestpostCreate a SOL token mint requestpostCreate a SOL deactivate stake requestpostCreate a SOL withdraw requestpostRequests: XLMCreate an XLM Manage Buy Offer requestpostCreate an XLM change trust requestpostCreate an XLM claim claimable balance requestpostCreate an XLM clawback requestpostCreate an XLM clawback claimable balance requestpostCreate an XLM create claimable balance requestpostCreate an XLM liquidity pool deposit requestpostCreate an XLM manage data requestpostCreate an XLM Payment request for a new asset on the ledgerpostCreate an XLM path payment strict receive requestpostCreate an XLM path payment strict send requestpostCreate an XLM revoke sponsorship requestpostCreate an XLM Manage Sell Offer request or Create Passive Sell Offer requestpostCreate an XLM Set Options requestpostCreate an XLM set trustline flags requestpostCreate an XLM liquidity pool Withdraw requestpostRequests: XTZCreate a delegate requestpostCreate a stake requestpostCreate an undelegate requestpostCreate an unstake requestpostGet XTZ bakergetReservationsList reserved fundsgetGet a reservationgetGet the UTXO associated to the reservationgetGovernance rulesList governance rulesgetList governance rules historygetList governance rules proposalgetUpdate governance rules proposalputApprove governance rules proposalpostReject governance rules proposalpostList public keysgetList governance rulesgetSCIMSCIM Get groupsgetSCIM Create a grouppostSCIM Get a groupgetSCIM Delete a userdeleteSCIM Patch a userpatchGet SCIM service provider configgetSCIM Get usersgetSCIM Create a userpostSCIM Put a userputSCIM Get a usergetSCIM Delete a userdeleteSCIM Patch a userpatchScoresRefresh address scorepostRefresh WLA scorepostStakingGet ADA stake pool infogetGet FTM validator infogetGet ICP neuron infogetGet NEAR validator infogetGet XTZ received staking rewardsgetStatisticsList currencies statisticspostList currency's statistics historypostGet portfolio statisticsgetGet portfolio statistics historygetGet portfolio statistics history exportgetList tags statisticsgetList assets statistics for a certain taggetGet Taurus Network pledges statisticsgetStewardInitialize a tenantpostList the API keysgetCreate an API keypostDelete the API keydeleteInitialize the ETH contract supportpostSetup secondary commitmentpostInitialize the XTZ contract supportpostTagsList tagsgetCreate tagpostDelete tag by iddeleteTransactionsList transactionsgetExport transactionsgetExport the travel rule data of a transactiongetUser DeviceCreate a pairing request (Step 1)postApproves a user's device pairing request (Step 3)postStarts a user's device pairing request (Step 2)postGet the status of a user's device pairing requestgetUsersReveal user API keypostList usersgetGet my own usergetCreate user attributepostDelete an attribute from current userdeleteUpdate my passwordputRenew tokenpostEnable TOTPpostReset TOTPpostCreate an user attributepostAuthentication: HMACValidate requestpostRestricted visibility groupsList restricted visibility groupsgetList users in a restricted visibility groupgetWebhooksGet webhooksgetCreate webhookpostDelete a webhookdeleteUpdate a webhook's statuspatchWebhook callsGet webhook callsgetAddress whitelistingList whitelisted addressesgetCreate a whitelisted addresspostApprove a whitelisted addresspostDelete a whitelisted addresspostExport whitelisted addressesgetList whitelisted addresses for approvalgetReject a whitelisted addresspostGet a whitelisted addressgetCreate attributespostList attributesgetDelete an attributedeleteContract whitelistingList whitelisted contractsgetCreate whitelisted contractspostApprove a whitelisted contractpostDelete a whitelisted contractpostList whitelisted contracts for approvalgetReject a whitelisted contractpostGet a whitelisted contractgetUpdate whitelisted contractsputCreate attributespostGet an attributegetDelete an attributedeleteTAURUS-CAPITAL APISEnvelopesList envelopesgetCreate an envelopepostList docusign attachmentgetGet an envelopegetList signers of an envelopegetAttachmentsCreate attachmentpostGet an attachmentgetDelete an attachmentdeleteContracts: EVM instanceDeploy an EVM contract instancepostExecute an EVM callpostList EVM eventsgetSend an EVM transactionpostUpgrade an EVM proxypostContracts: instanceImport a contract instancepostList contract instancesgetList contrsact transactionsgetGet a contract instancegetContracts: XTZ instanceDeploy an XTZ contract instancepostList XTZ entry pointsgetCall view (read-only) on an XTZ contractpostList XTZ eventsgetSend a blockchain transaction to an XTZ contractpostContracts: templateCreate a contract templatepostUpdate a contract templateputList contract templates infogetGet a contract templategetDelete a contract templatedeleteContracts: XTZ templateParse XTZ contract argumentspostList storage parametersgetDigitalAssetsCreate a digital assetpostImport a digital assetpostList digital asset infogetList digital assets related to a whitelistgetGet a digital asset fieldgetUpdate a digital asset fieldputGet a digital assetgetDelete a digital assetdeleteUpdate a digital assetputList digital assets owners and balancesgetList digital asset fieldsgetCreate digital asset fieldspostUpdate a digitalAsset fieldsputList digital asset holdersgetIssue a digital assetpostNFT mint callpostNFT mint batch callpostList NFTspostList digital asset restrictionsgetLink a digital asset to a whitelistpostRestrictionsCreate a rule enginepostUpdate a rule engineputAdd rulespostActivate a rulepostDelete a transfer ruledeleteUpdate a transfer ruleputList transfer rulespostInvestorsCreate an investorpostImport an investorpostList investors infogetGet an investorgetDelete an investordeleteUpdate an investorputInvestors: whitelistList investors whitelistsgetCreate an investors whitelistpostGet an investors whitelistgetDelete an investors whitelistdeleteUpdate an investors whitelistputList addresses of an investors whitelistgetIssue an investors whitelistpostUpdate investors of a whitelistpostIssuersCreate an issuerpostList issuers infogetUpdate issuer statusputGet an issuergetDelete an issuerdeleteUpdate an issuerputNotificationsList notificationsgetCount notifications by statusgetMark a notification as readpostShareholdersList shareholdersgetCreate a shareholderpostGet a shareholdergetDelete a shareholderdeleteUpdate a shareholderputTokenize a shareholderpostWorkflowsList workflowsgetGet a workflowgetInitiate loginpost https://your-protect-instance.example.com/api/rest/v1/authentication/saml/ssoThis endpoint initiates a SAML login